MascAge-Analyzing social constructions of ageing masculinities
If age studies focus on youth and gerontology studies of either older women or “ungendered” portraits of ageing (Saxton and Cole 2012), this project explores the gendered specificities of men’s ageing. Applying to the cultural analysis an interdisciplinary corpus of masculinity and age studies, the project seeks to make an impact by crossing the traditional Social Sciences-Humanities boundary and by proving that not only do social notions of masculinity shape their cultural representations, but they simultaneously affect the social (de-)construction of both gender and age. The main objectives are:
(a) to understand more fully the interrelationship of masculinities with a variety of social issues specifically associated with men’s ageing: older men’s health; social inclusion and exclusion; sexualities and affective relationships; and ageist stereotypes;
(b) to explore men’s experiences of, and attitudes to, ageing across different European cultures, exploring their commonalities and differences, at both national and transnational levels;
(c) to gain a deeper understanding of ageing masculinities in and through cultural representations; and
(d) to share the results of this project with other researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to help them devise strategies and policies designed to promote greater gender and age equity.